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Westmeadows Football Club


Sat, 6 May 2023
09:00 - 11:00

The League has confirmed its continuing commitment to the Pat Cronin Foundation and the
weekend Round on 6/7 May (Round 4 in the Senior Fixtures) is dedicated as the Foundation and
its Be Wise - End the Coward Punch campaign.
All Clubs are encouraged to support this campaign and the important message for all to “Be
Wise” at all times.
The Board has agreed to match $1 for each $1 raised by Clubs up to a maximum of $5000 -
so if Clubs collectively raise $5000 the league will contribute a further $5000.
Also Clubs that have not had the PCF Be Wise Accreditation presentation please contact
(info@patcroninfoundation.org.au) or set out the process etc to arrange for your Club to have
the presentation. These presentations are at no cost to the Clubs.

Willowbrook Reserve
Westmeadows VIC 3049, Australia

Westmeadows, Victoria, 3049, Australia

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